Lightworkers org spiritual channeling ascended masters channel

Also joining us at this time the channel is now feeling a blast of energy voltage. A lightworker is an awakened spiritual being in physical form who has reconnected with their soul plan and mission crafted prior to their birth. How you can channel st germain and the ascended masters. One lightworker can hold more light energy on the earth than many lower. This year is a very powerful year for lightworkers to collaborate and to help each. St germain and the ascended masters messages for lightworkers. Athenamasked athena demetrios, author, speaker and workshop facilitator is a professional channel for the historic dr. Tara arnold consciously trance channels messages and energy frequencies. They are here to assist us on our walk to the light as we remember who we truly are i have been gifted with the ability to impart to others, as a channel, the high vibration and wisdom that they wish to. As you become more awakened and aware, more light will enter into your energy centres, called chakras. A team that loves to create let me take a moment to explain a little of what is the purpose behind the work. This weeks guidance from the ascended masters, galactics, earth elementals, faery elders, angelic legions, and archangels known as the collective. Welcome to my web site which is dedicated to channeling, channeled readings and spiritual growth. Ascension would appear to be available to anyone who acknowledges and respects the creator who can be known only as love and life and.

We are here to experience what its like to be human, and to revel in the awakenings we experience as humans. Ascension is the goal of all the selftransformation processing that humans beings undertake in physical life on earth. Ascended masters 20121124 message from the council of. Greetings from the council of angels and pleiadian council of light. Spiritual site includes instructions on how to channel and channelings from spirit divided into different sections including nature and faery. When you open your spiritual channels, you access wisdom and guidance to become your best self. Germain lets proceed in love and fortitude channeled by genoveva.

First wave of ascension preparation and insights for the. It has been a journey for me and my family, as we continue the path of cosmic ascension in this lifetime. According to sanaya roman and duane packer, authors of opening to channel. It is a great joy for me to to channel the ascended masters and angels for myself and others including the starseeds. She continues to regularly share her experiences and arcturian teachings on her blog, awakening with suzanne lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of self into their everyday life. Just like many of you, part of my familys morning ritual is taking our daily vitamins and supplements. Today we will discuss the nature of our blueprint to defeat the dark cabal. I have come forth to explain to you the symptoms of ascension, or the raising of your awareness to your own spiritual truth.

Great white brotherhood ascended masters, archangels and. In this article i will showcase a few channelers who were channeling back in late 2012. In an uncertan and sometimes scary world, this is a powerful message. Germaine, who are two of the many overseers of the ascension. Learn how to channel with master kuthumi atlantis ashram free downloads. A published author and international speaker, rhiannon has spent thousands of hours facilitating channeled workshops, retreats, seminars and one on one sessions around the world.

The teacher offers inspiration and a larger perspective to the human being, and the human being translates the energy of the spiritual entity into the words and concepts he is acquainted with through his upbringing, education and culture. See more ideas about spirituality, messages and visionary art. I found the lightworkers series so helpful in putting into context my own experiences. Channeled messages an honest point of view saviors. An ascended masters is a soul who has existed on the earth in human form and yet through. I greet you with love and in the light of the creator. Channeled messages from ascended masters, second edition has been expanded to contain 55 meaningful spiritual lessons by ascended masters godfre ray king, saint germain, lord lanto, kuthemi, quan yin and alien master wantaze. Messages from the masters, channeled information from various ascended. And crystal novel movies, space music, ascended masters, fantasy. Channeling is a method used to access information from entities that are supposedly more evolved and could therefore enlighten us as we move through the evolution of consciousness and back to source. Simple channeling practice for everyday magic and miracles. The important point to reiterate here is, the higher realms chooses its spiritual spokespersons.

Gillian macbethlouthan thoughts from your hostess of light. Truly, it is these and many other ascended masters who have assumed the solemn responsibility for the physical welfare and spiritual advancement of the current race of humanity. The purposes of the spiritual retreats of the ascended masters. About me 54 galactic blog 4 ascended masters all messages jesus buddha archangels 12 galactic blessings all g. Paul uses effective and practical methods to teach channeling in order that. The ascended masters are here at this time to bring wisdom and assist in the raising of the vibration and consciousness of all who are on the earth plane at this time. How to connect with your guide, channeling is a powerful means of. Not all lightworkers are starseed or walkins and not all starseeds and walkins are lightworkers. Their commitment is to make a difference through shining light, embodying their. Newsletters and magazines offering information in support of lightworkers and others. See more ideas about ascended masters, spirituality and sacred geometry. The heavenly hierarchy functions through its retreats, and the retreats of the great white brotherhood serve many purposes. These souls channel divine truth and share this with the world. They all have had many human incarnations and many human experiences.

Germain is a spiritual alchemist and chohan of the seventh ray. The ascended masters are beings of a very high vibration who reside on a different dimensional level. Lemuria and orion love the earth, new earth, atlantis, sirian starseed, spiritual. Channeling and ascended master teachings with athena meetup. Lightworkers, angels and ascended masters home facebook. Channeling usually refers to accessing higher knowledge in order to support spiritual growth and to gain greater clarity about ones life.

Lightworker s,angels and ascended masters is a spiritual social networking community for all people seeking to connect. Corona virus 2020 energies spiritual astrology ascension angel numbers. These sources are varyingly described as being god, gods and goddesses, ascended masters, spirit guides, extraterrestrials, angels. Open your spiritual channels to be a better parent, spouse, partner, friend, teacher or healer.

Open your spiritual channels tao healing soul healing. In hindsight, i believe this channeling was a combination channeling and in looking back at it, i believe that some of my personal beliefs may have come through into this channeling. Janice mcfadden offers spiritual counseling, energy healing, and channeling sessions drawing from her connection with sananda jesus christ, the divine mother, and mary magdalene. The collective speak on enjoying food and allowing health and slimness. Elizabeth continued their work, becoming an internationally recognized spiritual teacher of the ascended masters teachings. You cant just wake up one day and declare that youre a lightworker without actually being one. You will find yourself avoiding violent movies on tv because it hurts to watch it. Athena has been a channel for over 25 years and a student of the ascended master teachings for 33 years. Oct 05, 2018 rhiannon is a channeller for spirit and the ascended masters. I think that channeling is a cooperation between a human being and a nonphysical entity who acts as a teacher.

In the flood of channeled material which has been published or delivered to live audiences. The great shift sources of information, inspiration and support. Channeled messages from ascended masters is a book that. Germaine appearing on the far right in the photo was already deceased at its taking.

I am not picking on them, nor do i wish to make it seem as if they are bad people. Spiritual awakening channeled messages from ascended masters. This is the year to truly fulfil your divine purpose. We are called now, in a more intense way than ever before, to change our thinking. I have brought through channeled messages for thousands of people and i have given over one hundred workshops in the past six years. Ascended masters channeled messages through natalie glasson. Lord arcturus is an ascended master dimension and patron of the arcturians chairman of. It corresponds to the final resurrection from death which is an integral part of the belief structure of a number of world religions.

Divine council, le reiki, religion, ascended masters, higher consciousness, collective. Spiritual character is all that matters when nature chooses her lightworkers. They have a great sense of humor and lightheartedness, are completely unconditional, nonjudgemental and they see themselves as our best friends. These beings hold a great volume of knowledge and are acting as guides to us all from the spiritual levels and inner planes. Ascension in consciousness published in the april 2020 issue of the sedona journal of emergence published as.

I have the utmost love and compassion for human beings who are being lied to. An excerpt from the collectives new ebook, joyful health eating. I have listed some of the most well known ascended masters and lady masters. Ascended masters world and lightworker store is here for you, as a resource on your personal spiritual path and journey. Oct 16, 2017 i have been a channel for the ascended masters for most of my life, i have been teaching with the ascended masters since 2007. This is a discussion of what happens when you stay in the old energy as lightworkers. As a lightworker, youve been on a path of unearthing details within you for. Germaine, who are two of the many overseers of the ascension, the golden age occurring for your new earth. Things are changing greatly with spiritual purpose. Power games in spiritual communities september 10, 2018. Higher self is a community portal on the topics of the uni verse, astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, quantum energies, epigenetics, lightworkers, channeling our galactic family, ascended masters, and angels, twin flames, unconditional love, and about the latest news from the higher realms, the nature of reality, our liberation, and ascension. What is channeling a bit of debunking the ascended masters.

I hope you enjoy reading all the messages i have received over the years. This channeling received a lot of negative commentary over at lightworkers. I channel the ascended masters and specifically st germain, djwhal khul, mother mary, mary magdalene, sananda, pallas athena, lady isis, kuthumi and archangel gabriel. They are the homes of the masters in the heavenworld the etheric body of planet earth. Ascended masters are individuals who were once embodie. Oversouled by mary magdalene, lady ishtar and lord maitreya. One day, for reasons i cant quite explain, i felt the urge to channel the healing energies of the angels and ascended masters, as i do in my healing practice, into their vitamins before they took them. Your soul has great wisdom, knowledge and experience of hundreds or thousands of lifetimes and from your spiritual fathers and mothers in heaven.

Information on the book, on the channel deborah harmes and her latest channeling. The preceding photograph is quite distinguished by the fact that st. The magdalenes the wisdom teachers and way showers of divine truth. We are our thoughts and earths reality unfolds through those thought energies.

The pleiadians are continually seeking the wats of the light and finding. The ascended masters of light spiritual art, archangels. Awakening, healing physically and spiritually ascended. Rhiannon is a channeller for spirit and the ascended masters. Lightworkers commit internally to be a shining light in the world. Feb 20, 2019 channeling ish ascended master from the sirius. In the ascended master teachings of a number of movements in the theosophical tradition, ascended masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings. Ishtar is an international spiritual teacher, counsellor and author, who regularly teaches in australia, usa, switzerland, united kingdom, france and russia.

Blessings alkonashka angel gahil atlantean caesar centaurian condrat disdoo lakesh pendeso suun tekkrr 7 hucolo blessings all hu blessings by brian by gabriel by sabrina by sarah by steven by wendy 7 galactic poetry. Lightworker is a term given to those who are actively on the spiritual path. This new year begins with many cabal attempts to derail your promised prosperity by fabricating a war. It is when the individual makes the conscious choice to begin their spiritual path and assist others that they become a lightworker. Joe lovingly shares this beautiful and timely channelled gem. Many people can turn the dial of consciousness many tune in to the psychic realm astral beings with different intent select ascended masters as your teacher the risk of channeling hitler was a channel for dark forces dark forces can take over your mind be balanced and use discernment many people can tune in to the spiritual realm many. Jan 26, 2019 count st germain ascended masters channeling ascended masters tara arnold ascended master st. Jesus speaks about channeling ascended master answers. The angels remind us though we walk in the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil, if we maintain our connection with the divine. She works with individuals in the greater san francisco bay area and offers distance healing as well.

I have been a channel for the ascended masters for most of my life, i have been teaching with the ascended masters since 2007. She has been channelling wisdom from the masters for 15 years and has written 5 books. So looking forward to all the wonderful insights and guidance alex brings to lightworkers. New age is a term applied to a range of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that grew. May, 2020 higher self is a community portal on the topics of the uni verse, astrology, numerology, sacred geometry, quantum energies, epigenetics, lightworkers, channeling our galactic family, ascended masters, and angels, twin flames, unconditional love, and about the latest news from the higher realms, the nature of reality, our liberation, and ascension. After 12 years of marriage with elizabeth, mark returned to spirit in 1973. Channeling, spiritual communities and teachers in the aquarian age september 10, 2018.

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